First non-developer Releases of Test::Run

Shlomi Fish on 2006-11-18T12:07:57

I recently released the first non-developer releases of the Test::Run modules. I still don't guarantee that everything is stable, but at least now one can fetch them from CPAN with ease.

I got a few "Warning: prerequisite Test::Run::Obj 0 not found.", but hopefully it is resolved now after I changed the $VERSION of the module itself to a non-underscored one.

Next on my agenda is finishing the Test::Run::Plugin::FailSummaryComponents plugin, which still doesn't have the appropriate command line front-end. I decided to abandon my original if's upon if's plan and instead allow customisations using templates or mini-templates. For this I decided a sprintf-like template only with named conversions (e.g: "Hello %(name)s! Happy new %(year)d!") would be ideal. I could not find anything for this on CPAN, but Python has them, so I'd like to prepare an equivalent Perl implementation and put it on CPAN.

After that I'd like to start getting to writing the XML/HTML output. My plans for it are the following:

  1. Write a plugin for Test::Run that will collect the relevant statistics from the run (instead of just outputting them to the screen) and store them in a Perl data structure.
  2. Write a plugin using it that at the end of the run will serialise the data collected to XML.
  3. Write an XSLT stylesheet that will transform the XML to HTML.

Lately, I've had to invest time in other priorities, and Test::Run has been pretty low on my todo list, but hopefully I can return to it.